Latihan Soal TOEFL ITP Materi Reading Comprehension

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Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of questions about it. For questions 1-50, you are to choose the one best answer, A, B, C, or D, to each question.

Answer all questions about the information in a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.

Questions 1-5

Nitrogen fixation is a process by which nitrogen is continuously fed into biological circulation. In this process, certain algae and bacteria convert into ammonia (NH3). This newly-created ammonia is then for the most part absorbed by plants.

The opposite process of denitrification returns nitrogen to the air. During the process of denitrification, bacteria cause some of the nitrogen or nitrous oxide (N2O). In this gaseous nitrogen form, the nitrogen returns to the atmosphere.

1. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

2. What the subject of the first paragraph?

3. The word “returns” in line 4 is closest in meaning to …

4. In nitrogen fixation, certain algae and bacteria convert into …

5. Bacteria become nitrogen or nitrous oxide during the process …

Question number 6-12

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) was perhaps the best-known American poet of the nineteenth century. His clear writing style and emphasis on the prevalent values o the period made him popular with the general public if not always with the critics. He was particularly recognized for his longer narrative poems Evangeline, The Song of Hiawatha, and The Courtship of Miles Standish, in which he told stories from American history in terms of the values of the time.

Evangeline was set during the French and Indian War (1754-1763), when the British forced French settlers from Nova Scotia; two lovers, Gabriel and Evangeline, were separated by the British, and Evangeline devoted her lifetime to the search for Gabriel. With its emphasis on sentimental, undying love, Evangeline was immensely popular with the public.

In The Song of Hiawatha, Longfellow depicted the noble life of the American Indian through the story of the brave Hiawatha and his beloved wife Minehaha. The tear-inspiring poem follows Hiawatha through the tragedies and triumphs of life, ending with the death of Minehaha and Hiawatha’s departure into the sunset in his canoe.

The Courtship of Miles Standish takes place during the early period of the settlement of New England, a period which was viewed as a time of honor and romance. In this poem centered around a love triangle, Miles Standish asks his friend John Alden to propose to Priscilla Mullins for him; John Alden ends up marrying Priscilla Mullins himself, and it takes time for his friendship with Miles Standish to recover. As with Longfellow’s other narrative poems, the emphasis on high ideals and romance made the poem extremely popular.

6. The best title of the passage is …

7. The following are the titles of Longfellow’s poems, except …

8. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage?

9. The subject of the fourth paragraph is …

10. Who dies in the poem The Song of Hiawatha?

11. When is the setting of the story in Evangeline poem?

12. Longfellow is a perhaps the best-known American poet of the … century.

Question 13-15

Ice ages, those periods when ice covered extensive areas of the earth, are known to have occurred at least six times. Past ice ages can be recognized from rock strata that show evidence of foreign materials deposited by moving walls of ice or melting glaciers. Ice ages can also be recognized from land formations that have been produced from moving walls of ice, such as U-shaped valleys, sculptured landscapes, and polished rock faces.

13. According to the passage, what happens during an ice age?

14. The passage covers how many difficult methods of recognizing past ice ages?

15. According to the passage, what in the rock strata is a clue to geologists of a past ice age?

Question 16-20

Dekanawida’s role as a supreme lawgiver in the Iroquois tribe has given him status of demigod within the Indian nation. Born into the Huron tribe, Dekanawida caused great fear in his parents, who tried to drown him in his youth after a prophecy was made indicating that he would bring great sorrow to the Huron nation. Dekanawida was to survive this attempted drowning but later left his parent’s home and tribe to live among the Iroquois.

One of his achievements with the Iroquois was the institution of a law among the Iroquois that virtually ended blood feuds among the nation’s families. Wampun, strings of beads made of polished shells, was a valued commodity in the Iroquois culture; according to policies established by Dekanawida, wampum had to be paid to the family of a murder victim by the family of the killer. Since the killer was also put to death, the family of the killer had to pay the victim’s family in wampum for two deaths, the death of the murder victim and the death of the killer. These strict policies implemented by Dekanawida helped to established him as a wise lawgiver and leader of the Iroquois nation.

16. Dekanawida comes from the tribe …

17. According to the passage, Dekanawida was not …

18. According to the passage, Dekanawida is a …

19. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage about wampum?

20. Why was Dekanawida drowned by his parents?

Questions 21-25

The United States does not have a national university, but the idea has been around for quite some time. George Washington first recommended the idea to Congress; he even selected an actual site in Washington, D.C., and then left an endowment for the proposed national university in his will. During the century following the Revolution, the idea of a national university continued to receive the support of various U.S. President, and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie pursued the cause at the beginning of the present century. Although the original idea has not yet been acted upon, it continues to be proposed in bills before Congress.

21. According to the passage, the national university of the United States …

22. The word “he” in line 2 refers to …

23. The passage indicates that George Washington did not do which of the following?

24. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage about Andrew Carnegie?

25. The pronoun “it” in line 7 refers to …

Question 26-30

When a strong earthquake occurs on the floor rather than on land, a tremendous force is exerted on the seawater and one or more large, destructive waves called tsunamic can be formed. Tsunamis are commonly called tidal waves in the United States, but this is really an inappropriate name in that the cause of the tsunami is an underground earthquake rather than the Ocean’s tides.

Far from land, a tsunami can move through the wide open vastness of the ocean at a speed of 600 miles (900 kilometers) per hour and often can travel tremendous distances without losing height and strength. When a tsunami reaches shallow coastal water, it can reach a height of 100 feet (30 meters) or more and can cause tremendous flooding and damage to coastal areas.

26. The paragraph preceding the passage most probably discusses …

27. What is another name for a tsunami?

28. Which of the following is most likely the topic of the paragraph following the passage?

29. The pronoun “it” in line 7 refers to …

30. When a tsunami reaches shallow coastal water, it can reach a height of 100 feet (30 meters) can be …

Questions 31-40

Manic depression is another psychiatric illness that mainly affects the mood. A patient suffering from this disease will alternate between periods of manic excitement and extreme depression, with or without relatively normal periods in between. The changes in mood suffered by a manic-depressive patient go far beyond the day-to-day mood changes experienced by the general population. In the period of manic excitement, the mood elevation can become so intense that it can result in extended insomnia, extreme irritability, and heightened aggressiveness. In the period of depression, which may last for several weeks or months, a patient experiences feeling of general fatigue, uselessness, and hopelessness, and, in a serious cases, may contemplate suicide.

31. Psychiatric illness that mainly affects the mood is a …

32. The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses …

33. The topic of this passage is …

34. According the paragraph, in the period of manic excitement the mood elevation can become, except …

35. The passage indicates that most people …

36. In the period depression, a patient manic depression feels …

37. The passage implies that …

38. The pronoun “it” in line 6 refers to …

39. In a serious cases, a patient manic depression can …

40. The changes mood suffered by a manic-depressive patient … beyond the day-to-day mood changes experienced by the general population.

Question 41-45

Check and balances are an important concept in the formation of the U.S. system of government as presented in the Constitution of the United States. Under this conception of government, each branch of government has built-in checks and limitations placed on it by one or more different branches of government in order to ensure that any one branch is not able to usurp total dominance over the government. Under the Constitution, the United Stated has a tripartite government, with power divided equally among the branches; the presidency, the legislature, and the judiciary. Each branch is given some authority over the other two branches to balance the power among the three branches. An example of these checks and balances is seen in the steps needed to pass a law. Congress can pass a law with a simple majority. However, even if Congress passes a law with simple majority or overrides a presidential veto, the Supreme Court can still declare the law unconstitutional if it finds that the law is contradictory to the guidelines presented in the Constitution.

41. The expression “dominance over” in line 5 is closest to in meaning to …

42. Look at the word tripartite in the passage. This word suggest that something is …

43. The “judiciary” in line 7 is …

44. “Contradictory to” in line 11 is closest in meaning to which of the following expression?

45. The highest authority in the United States tripartite system of government is …

Question 46-50

Bigfoot is a humanlike creature reportedly living in the Pacific Northwest. Bigfoot sightings have been noted most often in the mountainous areas of Northern California, Oregon, and Washington in the United States. The creature has also been spotted numerous times in British Columbia in Canada, where it is known as Sasquatch.

The creature described by witnesses is tall by human standards, measuring 7 to 10 feet (2 to 3 meters) in height. It resembles an ape with its thick, powerful, fur-covered arms and short, strong neck; however, its manner of walking erect is more like that of Homo Sapiens.

Although there have been of reported sightings of Bigfoot, most experts have not seen enough evidence to be convinced of its existence. The fact that some purported evidence has been proven fake may have served to discredit ither more credible information.

46. Which of the following best states the topic of the passage?

47. The word “credible” in line 10 is closest to in meaning to …

48. The word “noted” in line 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

49. It is implied in the passage that Bigfoot would probably not like to live …

50. Which of the following is not true about the appearance of Bigfoot?


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